Changing Seasons

As I write this my oldest is spending her first day at school (she was so excited and headed confidently into her classroom with the biggest smile) and my youngest is napping. 
The changes and shifts in these seasons of motherhood always carry mixed feelings and a period of adjustment for me.
The house is incredibly quiet... I'm so accustomed to having a little chatting, singing, dancing shadow by my side so I'm a little lost on what to do with my new found time and I thought I'd start here. With this little life update and the share of some makes since last time we talked. The studio has had new old doors added and many projects have been completed.
If this magical napping routine keeps up I have grand plans to journal more and perhaps even enter the world of YouTube to video tutorials and projects. If these naps disappear well, I suppose we just have to wait for the next shift in season.
Indie dyed fluff from Cat and Sparrow
Patterns shown include 2 Magnolia variations from Camilla Vad  and the Blomstring slipover from Fiber Tales

While I'm not taking fully custom weaving commissions at the moment I welcome colour requests for any weaving runs I might be doing. So, if you have a baby blanket, scarf, cloths or something else in mind please get in touch. 

Studio renovations. A window is torn out and French doors installedA little girl models a handspun and knit pink, grey and white sweaterHandweaving in progressA girl models a vivid orange and pink handspun and knit sweaterSpinning yarnSpinning yarn with golden retrievers for companyHandwoven baby blanketsWoman wearing handspun and knit vest over a paprika coloured dresshandwoven fabric cloths in various colourshand knit handspunknitting handspun yarnhandspun hand knit GIB sweaterhandwoven baby blanketshandwoven clothsweavinghandspun yarnlittle girl weaving on studio floorheart yarn

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